Kairos Autonomi:Strap-on Autonomy Systems for Existing Vehicles

    Kairos Unmanned Vehicles Collage

Kairos Products and Personnel Support
Exercise Forging Sabre 2019

Exercise Forging Sabre 2019 is being held at Mountain Home Air Force Base (MHAFB) on Saylor Creek Range from 25 Sep through 10 Oct 2019.  In support of the Singapore Air Force, the exercise requires 4 to 6 simultaneously operating Remotely Controlled Vehicles (RCVs) operating on unimproved dirt roads on the range, controlled from a central location.  Kairos Autonomi has provided 18 completely independent RCVs, as well as the control and support teams to operate them.

Each RCV is a 4-wheel drive SUV fitted with a Kairos Autonomi Uomo